How does a teacher respond to a pre-conference prompt?


In preparation for the upcoming observation, the teacher will usually respond to the pre-conference prompts sent by the principal.

The previous article covered the notification that the teacher received regarding the new prompts that were sent. This article will walk the teacher through the steps of responding to the prompts.

Let's Get Started

When the page for the Observation Setup tab appears, simply click on the Pre tab.

  1. Click in each text field to respond to each prompt.
  2. When you have completed your responses to each prompt and are ready to share your responses with your principal, click on the green Share Responses button in the top right corner.

The green Share Responses button (shown above) will change to some informational text about the date that the responses were shared with the teacher's principal.

You can enter notes that summarize his/her pre-conference meeting with the principal, if desired. This is found at the bottom of the page, and it's optional. After entering the notes, click on the green Share Conference Summary button, if desired.

Read the next article to learn how a principal knows that a teacher has responded to a pre-conference prompt.