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More about Observations
Collecting Evidence
Collecting Evidence
There are multiple types of evidence within an observation
Conference prompt responses
Observation Notes
Rubric Component Notes
How does a teacher or principal request that an observation is unlocked?
Packaging Evidence
Observation Work Flow
Observation Timeliness Dashboard Overview
Observation Timeliness Dashboard Status Walkthrough
Observation Final Submission Workflow
Setting Up Observations
How does a principal schedule a formal or informal observation for a teacher?
How does a principal "unlock" the focus of a teacher on a focused evaluation plan?
What does the teacher see on their end?
Including Student Growth Components
The Pre-Conference and Post-Conference Events
Note to eVAL Users about Pre- and Post-Conferences
How does a principal select pre-conference prompts from the prompt bank?
How does a principal create pre-conference prompts "on the fly?"
How does a teacher know about the pre-conference prompts?
How does a teacher respond to a pre-conference prompt?
How does a principal know if the teacher has responded to the prompt(s)?
How does a principal view the teacher's responses?
How does a principal code a response as evidence?
How does the Rubric Navigator help me when I'm coding evidence?
The Observation
Is a principal required to use eVAL's Notes Editor when scripting an observation?
How does a principal navigate to the Notes Editor when conducting a spontaneous informal observation?
How does a principal navigate to the Notes Editor when conducting a formal observation?
What are some useful features of the Notes Editor in eVAL?
How does a principal code evidence in the Notes Editor?
How does a principal add an artifact and link it to an observation?
How does a principal share observation notes with the teacher that has been observed?
How does the teacher view the observation notes that have been shared by the principal?
The Post-Conference
Note to eVAL Users
Aligning, Scoring and Sharing Observation Evidence
How does a principal allow a teacher to score an observation?
How does a teacher score coded evidence from the principal's shared observation notes?
How does a principal view a teacher's self-evaluation of the coded evidence from an observation?
How does a principal score coded evidence from the observation notes?
How does a principal share observation scores with a teacher?
How can a teacher view the observation scores shared by the principal?
How can a teacher and principal compare their scores of the observation evidence?
Finalizing the Observation
How does a principal create an observation report and send it to the teacher?
How does a teacher respond to a shared observation report?
How does a teacher or principal request that an observation is unlocked?
More about Observations
Collecting Evidence
Packaging Evidence
Notes Editor - Coding Evidence
Notes Editor - Removing Coding
Spellchecker for Notes
Last Updated
Jul 26, 2016
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