eVAL HelpeVAL MODULESObservationsAligning, Scoring and Sharing Observation EvidenceHow does a principal score coded evidence from the observation notes?

How does a principal score coded evidence from the observation notes?


Not all framework authors support the scoring of evidence from an observation. But if your district does, you'll want to read this article to learn the steps of how to align and score the coded evidence.

Follow these steps:

Click on the Align and Score tab in the Observation module for the teacher you are evaluating.

  1. Make sure that the Input Filter says Evaluator's Only.
  2. Click on a component in the Rubric Navigator that has a numeral under the Collected column. This numeral represents the number of pieces of evidence from the observation that have been coded to that component.
  3. Each piece of evidence that has been coded to that component will appear in its own gray box on the left side of the work space, under the section entitled Collected Evidence. If there is only one piece of evidence coded to a component, click on it.

This begins the scoring and evidence packaging process.

The coded evidence that you clicked on (above) will turn black, indicating that it is active. The Rubric Navigator will also temporarily disappear and change into the Evidence Package Creation window.

Evaluate the evidence, and align it to the most descriptive language in the rubric by highlighting it.

If your district supports scoring evidence from an observation, then return to the top of the work space window and click on the score for the evidence.

Now that you have coded the evidence, aligned it to the rubric language, and optionally scored it, you can create an evidence package. To do so, click on the green Create button in the Evidence Package Creation window on the right side of your work space.

Once you have created an evidence package from the coded evidence, the evidence will no longer appear in the Collected Evidence section at the top of your work space. Rather, it will appear lower down on the page, in a section called Packaged Evidence.

If a component has more than one piece of evidence coded to it, each piece of evidence will appear in its own gray space under the Collected Evidence section of the work space. You will need to evaluate each piece of evidence and determine whether they are both worthy of the same score. If they are, you can click on both of them and give them the same score at the same time. However, if they are not worthy of the same score, you will need to click on one at a time and score it separately.

In the image below, there are two pieces of evidence that are both coded to the CEL component called P5. They are worthy of the same score, so the principal needs to click on both of them.

They will both turn black, indicating that they are the active pieces of evidence that will now be aligned and scored.

Find the language in the rubric that describes both pieces of evidence, and highlight the text. See the yellow highlighted text in the image below.

If your district supports scoring evidence collected during an observation, then return to the top of the work space and give the evidence a score.

Find the green Create button in the Evidence Package Creation window, and click on it.

All of the pieces of evidence that were included in this evidence package for component P5 will no longer appear under the Collected Evidence section of the work space. Rather they will appear under the Packaged Evidence section.

Repeat the steps described above for the evidence that has been coded to each component in the Rubric Navigator.

Read the next article to learn how a principal can share the observation scores with the teacher.