Observation Work Flow
Setting Up Observations
The Pre-Conference and Post-Conference Events
- Note to eVAL Users about Pre- and Post-Conferences
- How does a principal select pre-conference prompts from the prompt bank?
- How does a principal create pre-conference prompts "on the fly?"
- How does a teacher know about the pre-conference prompts?
- How does a teacher respond to a pre-conference prompt?
- How does a principal know if the teacher has responded to the prompt(s)?
- How does a principal view the teacher's responses?
- How does a principal code a response as evidence?
- How does the Rubric Navigator help me when I'm coding evidence?
The Observation
- Is a principal required to use eVAL's Notes Editor when scripting an observation?
- How does a principal navigate to the Notes Editor when conducting a spontaneous informal observation?
- How does a principal navigate to the Notes Editor when conducting a formal observation?
- What are some useful features of the Notes Editor in eVAL?
- How does a principal code evidence in the Notes Editor?
- How does a principal add an artifact and link it to an observation?
- How does a principal share observation notes with the teacher that has been observed?
- How does the teacher view the observation notes that have been shared by the principal?
The Post-Conference
Aligning, Scoring and Sharing Observation Evidence
- How does a principal allow a teacher to score an observation?
- How does a teacher score coded evidence from the principal's shared observation notes?
- How does a principal view a teacher's self-evaluation of the coded evidence from an observation?
- How does a principal score coded evidence from the observation notes?
- How does a principal share observation scores with a teacher?
- How can a teacher view the observation scores shared by the principal?
- How can a teacher and principal compare their scores of the observation evidence?
Finalizing the Observation
More about Observations