eVAL HelpeVAL MODULESSummative EvaluationCreating and Sharing the Final ReportHow does a principal create and share the final report with the teacher?

How does a principal create and share the final report with the teacher?


Whether you are simply collecting evidence or packaging it, the steps to creating and sharing the final report are the same. This article covers those steps.

Refer to the work flow diagram and information on the Overview tab in eVAL’s Summative Evaluation section.

Follow these steps:

When there are no lingering issues to resolve and the principal has made all final revisions, click on the Final Report tab.

  1. A message will appear at the top of the large blue area, indicating that the report is ready to send to the teacher for their final review and optional comments. (The principal is NOT sending it to the teacher for their approval.)
  2. The summative evaluation score is automatically calculated from the scores you assigned to each Criteria in the Evidence/Scoring tab.
  3. Select your Override Options if desired.
  4. To see more report options, click on the Show Report Settings button. (**See the next step written below before going to Step #5.)
  5. Send the Final Report to the teacher for their review and optional comments on the report.

**If you selected #4 above, a new section of the screen will appear where you can change the settings for your report.

  1. You can either use the default settings … or … if your District Administrator has granted evaluators the option of over-riding the district settings … you can select the green Override Default Settings.
  2. Make your selections by inserting checkmarks in the boxes by your selected settings for the report.
  3. You can select the observations you wish to include in the report you are generating, if they have been marked as complete in their own individual Observation modules.

As soon as you click on the Send Final Report button (see Step #5 above), eVAL will send  the report to the teacher for his/her review, and for him/her to add any comments.

  • If/when they view the report, the report will be marked as complete, and will be locked from any further revisions.
  • If/When they add comments, the completed/locked report will be updated with the comments, which will be displayed on both the report's web page, and in the PDF document.

If you can't wait for the teacher to receive and view the report in order to mark it as complete/locked, you can by-pass that step. Click on the green By-pass Teacher Receipt button at the right end of the blue strip.

A drop-down dialog box will appear, and will require you to enter a reason to explain why you are bypassing the teacher's receipt of the final summative evaluation report in order to lock it.

  1. Enter your reason.
  2. Click on the green Yes, by-pass receipt button.

There will be a new message in the blue strip at the top, indicating that the final summative evaluation report for the teacher is now complete and locked from further changes. Read the information in that blue strip to learn how to request an "unlock" from the teacher.

At this point, the District Administrator of eVAL can go to their Assignments can find the school for this principal and teacher. The District Administrator of eVAL can then see that this teacher's final summative evaluation report is finalized and locked. See the image below. (Remember ... the image below illustrates the District Administrator's screen, and not that of the Principal.

For more information, refer to the work flow diagram and information on the Overview tab in eVAL’s Summative Evaluation section.

This concludes this article. The next article in this chapter is for the teacher, who should read it to learn what to do when they receive their final summative evaluation report from their principal.


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