eVAL HelpeVAL MODULESSummative EvaluationCreating Mid-Year ReportsHow does a principal set up a mid-year report and share it with the teacher?

How does a principal set up a mid-year report and share it with the teacher?


In most cases, the principal will want to provide a teacher with a mid-year report of the evaluation data that has been collected from observations, artifacts and student growth goal activity. This article will provide the principal with the steps to set up the mid-year report and share it with the teacher.

Please make sure you read the introductory article in this chapter that provides special information about mid-year reports.

Follow these steps:

After signing in to evAL and selecting Evaluate Teachers in the Options link, carry out the following steps:

  1. Locate the teacher's name in the pull-down menu.
  2. Click on the Summative Evaluation menu.

On the Summative Mid-Year Reports page:

  1. Click on the Mid-Year Reports tab.
  2. Click on the Show Report Settings.

The default settings that were configured by your District Administrator of eVAL will be displayed in the gray section at the top.

  1. If your District Administrator of eVAL has allowed you to over-ride the district settings, you will be able to click on the white Override Default Settings button and customize the report. Contact your District Administrator of eVAL for more information.
  2. Select and de-select any of the four options to customize your mid-year report.
  3. In the lower part of the gray section, select the observations that have evaluation data that you wish to include in the report. Remember, the observations must be marked as "complete" before they can be included in the report.
  4. After making your selections, click on the green button in the top right corner of the work space entitled Save Current Report.

A drop-down window will appear. Type in a descriptive name of the report. Consider using the structure below. Then click on the green Save Report button.

  1. The report's name will be listed on the Mid-Year Reports page, and the online version of the report will be displayed under the table called Saved Reports.
  2. To view the report in a PDF format, you can click on the green View button. It will download to the Downloads folder for your browser.
  3. To share the report with the teacher, click on the green Share Evaluation button at the right end of the tab bar.

The sharing button will change to a black button entitled Shared.

A blue notification will appear above the tab bar.

Read the next article to learn how the teacher can view the mid-year report.


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