Allowing evaluators to decide which evidence to include in Final Report

District Administrators can configure whether evaluators are allowed to select specific collected and/or packaged evidence to include in the Final Report.

By default, if the district administrator has configured that collected and/or packaged evidence sections will be included in the report, then all evidence within each of these categories will be included in the report.

This feature extends the configuration to allow the evaluator to include a subset of the evidence within each section.

Choose whether you would like to allow evaluators to select specific evidence within the collected and/or packaged evidence sections.

The default behavior is to include all evidence from any report section included in the report.

Don't allow individual selection of evidence: Leave the check-boxes. All evidence from the included sections will be automatically included in the report.

Do allow individual selection of evidence: Check the check-boxes.  The evaluator will be given the option to check each idividual collected and/or packaged evidence item to be included in the report.

See also: Selecting Evidence to Include in FInal Report


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