How does a principal begin this process?


The evaluating principal will not know that the teacher has written a response to the goal prompt or a goal statement until the next time s/he signs in to eVAL. This article will provide information about the steps a principal takes to see if the teacher has shared their prompt response and goal statement.

Follow these steps:

Sign in to eVAL, and carry out these steps:

  1. Click on the Options link to make sure you are in the work area for evaluating teachers.
  2. Use the pull-down menu in the sidebar menu to select the teacher you are evaluating.
  3. You will notice that a teal Action Required notification appears by Student Growth. This teal notification is not hyperlinked; it is simply a notification.
  4. Click on the Student Growth link.

Clicking on the Student Growth link (above) will take you to the Student Growth table of information, which appears further down on the same page. This table summarizes the activity that has taken place so far with this teacher's student growth goal.

  1. The teal Action Required notification appears in the Status column.
  2. Click on the green View button at the right end of the table to get more information about the teacher's student growth goal.

You'll come to the Student Growth Summary page, as shown below.

Scroll down the page to view the Student Growth Goal statement that the teacher wrote.

Read the next article to learn how to evaluate the teacher's response to the goal prompt, their goal statement, and their <optional> supportive artifacts.


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