How does a principal select a work area?


A principal or head principal can use eVAL for more than one reason. They can use the tool to evaluate teachers, and they can also use the tool to prepare for their own evaluation. After signing in, the first task that a principal or head principal must complete is to identify their work area (aka reason for using eVAL for that session).

To select a work area:

An Options link will appear in the menu, close to your identifying information. Click on the link.

A miniature window will appear. Use the pull-down menu in the Work Area section to choose the work to be done during the current session.

Please Note: If you have additional roles that are pertinent to eVAL (such as School Administrator), there will be additional work areas from which to choose.

Once the work area is selected, the eVAL tool will display the menus and the web pages for that work area.