eVAL HelpMISCELLANEOUSTroubleshootingWork-areasPrincipal self-evaluation work-area is missing

Principal self-evaluation work-area is missing

When an eVAL user is a principal they have access to at least two work-areas: Evaluate Teachers and Prepare for My Evaluation.

  1. For the Evaluate Teachers work-area to be ready, the district must have selected the Teacher Evaluation framework.
  2. For the Prepare for My Evaluation work-area to be ready, the district must have selected the Principal Evaluation framework, and also completed the setup for the principal's account, including the assignment of an evaluator and an eval cycle.

If at least one of these work-areas is ready, then the principal will be able to login and work in that work-area. But any work-area that is not ready, will not be available until it's setup is complete.

There are two ways that the principal can see that a work-area is not ready.

1. Options menu will contain a message and a link to the Accounts page.

2. Accounts Page will give detailed view of status for all work-areas.

At any time the principal can click on the Accounts link on the top navigation bar and see the screen below.

As can be seen in the following screenshot, the Prepare for My Evaluation work-area status is Incomplete Setup. This is the reason why it is not available through the Options menu.

To resolve this issue the District Administrator needs to go the the Admin Principal Evaluations work-area and configure the evaluator and eval cycle for the principal.  See Assigning Evaluators for Principal  article for more info.