How does a principal view a teacher's self-evaluation of the coded evidence from an observation?
Once a teacher self-evaluates the coded evidence that the principal has shared from the observation notes and marks their self-evaluation as complete, the principal will be able to view their self-scores. This article explains how a principal carries out that task.
Follow these steps:
The principal will need to get into the Observation module for this teacher.
- Click on the Align and Score tab.
- Notice that theire is a new Input Filter in this window, right above the Rubric Navigator. If the principal wishes to see the teacher's self-evaluation of the coded evidence, s/he shoudl make sure that the Input Filter displays Teacher Only.
- Once the principal clicks on a component in the Rubric Navigator that has coded evidence, the principal will be able to see how the teacher aligned the evidence to the rubric (the text highlighted in yellow) and scored the evidence.
- The evidence that the teacher scored appears at the bottom of the work space.
The principal can click on different components in the Rubric Navigator to see the teacher's self-evaluation of the evidence that has been coded to each component.
Read the next article to learn how a principal scores coded evidence from an observation.